Glitch - Homing Missile:
The Homing Missile Glitch use the same pattern as the Bazooka Glitch. Step on a worm, throw the rope vertically, aim to the worm you want to blast and then drop! This is a fun one!!!
Browse nlf Roping tricks
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Comments (5)
21/11/2007 - 09:52 | Shirdel : It's as easy as the Bazooka glitch I recokn
23/10/2007 - 20:18 | Akayz : i knew bout pigeon and zook never done it with homing missile
18/06/2007 - 15:13 | xKuarKx : Patriot missile ne 1 ?
23/05/2007 - 00:26 | Slothy : its like cruise missile launching
05/04/2007 - 06:52 | xXSxTank : easy..