All Time Classics Demo Gallery
Roping is an art and you can achieve tremendous tricks with the rope.
I have made some GIF animations big size of the best tricks I can do. You'll be able to discover what dragon, skidow, warlock, backwash, inlaw, pump, kick, mexi, extended mexi, reverse inlaw, outlaw and combinations of tricks together as well look like. Just select a trick name in the dropdown menus on the right-hand column.
These animations have been made using the excellent video export feature from WA. If you have some cool replays and want to have your animation on nlF, let me know in the shoutbox.
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This is a classic sequence in wxw: Outlaw followed by a dragon. The cool thing here is the start point and the length of the dragon! (10 comments)
Pinball, my favourite show of fmove. Not that useless as it can help you to keep up speed while coming to the ground to get a crate (8 comments)
Kick is a basic of fast roping. You can do it after an outlaw as shown in the animation. This gives you lot of speed! Make sure your tapping follows the beat! (20 comments)
Tap start is a classic in rope race. Could be done in almost any game. It is always nice to watch. (7 comments)
This is a funny useless thing. Jump throwing the rope and miss the target, walk in the opposite direction and throw the rope again, you'll finish upside down as on the animation. (6 comments)
Extended mexi is my personal favourite. It combines speed and precision fro landing. Too high, you fail, too low you fail. Hanging back window is no bigger than 10 pixels! (10 comments)
Backwash is a skidow ending with a wizard which means it is the hardest trick in the art of roping freestyle! Gentlemen, start practicing! (13 comments)
Skidow is probably with warlock, one of the hardest trick to get in the first place. It is an inlaw followed by a dragon BUT you need lot of speed. It is really a matter of getting its secret to perform it to the perfection. (7 comments)
Wall pump is a tricky move as there are lot of variations: going up, going forward (6 comments)
Here is another sequence with a pinball following a pump. This is cool and smooth roping. (6 comments)
A mexi after a pump is one of the coolest thing ever. Beautiful to watch as it is hell of a smooth move. (6 comments)
Doing a dragon is already cool. When a dragon follows a pump, you almost reach smoothness perfection. (8 comments)