Stairway - Pinball to Stairway:

This one is even more obvious once you get to know the Pinball to Touchdown. Here is the Pinball to Stairway, once again very well executed by Statik powa !!! Enjoy fellas ;o)

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Stairway - Pinball to Stairway

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Comments (7)
15/09/2010 - 15:37 | Rodent : :O
29/04/2008 - 23:36 | Joelho : How about a 'wooflaw' to stairway? ;D Damn this trick was sexy..
25/04/2008 - 19:43 | OMGodiTo : need some1 who can pwn statik? call me :D
06/03/2008 - 10:38 | Thor : motherfuck**!
04/03/2008 - 16:37 | xKuarKx : You wish ! :D
04/03/2008 - 15:14 | moO : need someone to best statik in trick race? moO's your girl. gj statikov
04/03/2008 - 14:04 | StatiK : Need "any-trick" to StairWay? ask statik xD